'use strict'; L.GridLayer.TiledMarkers = L.GridLayer.extend({ options: { tileURL: "", strokeColor: "#4C72B0", fillColor: "#4C72B0", fillOpacity: 0.2, strokeOpacity: 1.0, scaleRadius: 1.0, radius: 10, nCols: 1, // rowsPerCol: Infinity, catalogColumns: [], }, initialize: function(options) { L.setOptions(this, options); this.tilePointCache = {} }, convertJSONtoHTMLTable: function(json) { // these are extra keys used for the search function // const dontDisplay = ["fm_y", "fm_x", "fm_cat"] // const nItems = Object.keys(json).length - dontDisplay.length; const nItems = this.options.catalogColumns.length; const rowsPerCol = this.options.rowsPerColumn; const values = json["v"]; // let nCols = Math.floor(nItems / (Number.isFinite(rowsPerCol) ? rowsPerCol : nItems)); let nCols = this.options.nCols <= 0 ? 1 : this.options.nCols; // if (Number.isFinite(rowsPerCol) && nItems % rowsPerCol > 0) { // nCols += 1; // } let html = "Catalog Information" + ""; let colCounter = 0; html += ""; for (let i = 0; i < nItems; i++){ let key = this.options.catalogColumns[i]; let value = values[i]; html += ``; colCounter += 1; if (colCounter == nCols){ colCounter = 0; html += ""; } } html += "
"; return html; }, renderPopupContents: function(_this, marker) { const popup = marker.getPopup(); fetch(marker.options.assetPath) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok){ console.log(response); throw new Error("Failed to fetch JSON", response); } return response.arrayBuffer(); }).then(buffer =>{ return cbor.decodeAll(buffer); }).then(json => { popup.setContent(_this.convertJSONtoHTMLTable(json[0])).update(); }) .catch((error) => { console.log("ERROR in Popup Rendering", error); }); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/51749619/2691018 document.querySelector(".leaflet-popup-pane").addEventListener("load", function(event) { const tagName = event.target.tagName, popup = map._popup; // Also check if flag is already set. if (tagName === "IMG" && popup && !popup._updated) { popup._updated = true; // Set flag to prevent looping. popup.update(); } }, true); return "Loading..."; }, createClusterIcon: function(src) { const latlng = L.latLng(src.global_y, src.global_x); if (!src.cluster){ const p = L.popup({ maxWidth: "auto" }) .setLatLng(latlng) .setContent((layer) => this.renderPopupContents(this, layer)); if (src.a==-1){ return L.circleMarker(latlng, { color: this.options.strokeColor, fillColor: this.options.fillColor, assetPath: `catalog_assets/${src.cat_path}/${src.catalog_id}.cbor`, opacity: this.options.strokeOpacity, fillOpacity: this.options.fillOpacity, radius: this.options.radius * this.options.scaleRadius, }).bindPopup(p); } else { return L.ellipse(latlng, [src.a * this.options.scaleRadius, src.b * this.options.scaleRadius], src.theta, { color: this.options.strokeColor, fillColor: this.options.fillColor, opacity: this.options.strokeOpacity, fillOpacity: this.options.fillOpacity, assetPath: `catalog_assets/${src.cat_path}/${src.catalog_id}.cbor` }).bindPopup(p); } } // Create an icon for a cluster const count = src.point_count; const size = count < 100 ? "small" : count < 1000 ? "medium" : count < 1000000 ? "large" : "x-large"; const icon = L.divIcon({ html: `
`, className: `marker-cluster marker-cluster-${size}`, iconSize: L.point(40, 40) }); return L.marker(latlng, {icon}).bindPopup(`${src.global_y}, ${src.global_x}`); }, parseTileResponse: function(key, response) { if (response.status==200){ response.arrayBuffer().then(data => { if (!this.tilePointCache[key]){ this.tilePointCache[key] = []; } const pbuf = new Pbf(data); const vTileData = new VectorTile(pbuf); const points = vTileData.layers.Points; for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++){ let point = points.feature(i); this.tilePointCache[key].push( this.createClusterIcon(point.properties).addTo(map) ); } }).catch(err => console.log(err)); } }, createTile: function (coords) { const offset_y = 2**coords.z - coords.y - 1 const offset_x = 2**coords.z - coords.x - 1 const resourceURL = this.options.tileURL .replace("{z}", `${coords.z}`) .replace("{y}", `${offset_y}`) .replace("{x}", `${coords.x}`) const key = `${coords.z},${coords.y},${coords.x}` fetch(resourceURL).then((r) => this.parseTileResponse(key, r)).catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); return L.DomUtil.create('canvas', 'leaflet-tile'); }, clearItems: function(e){ const key = `${e.coords.z},${e.coords.y},${e.coords.x}` if (this.tilePointCache[key]){ while (this.tilePointCache[key].length){ let p = this.tilePointCache[key].pop().remove(); p = null; } } } }); L.gridLayer.tiledMarkers = function(opts) { const layer = new L.GridLayer.TiledMarkers(opts); layer.on("tileunload", layer.clearItems); return layer; };